Every year ETSIAE organises an open day, which is meant to be your first contact with this School. We know that making a decision on what to study and where to study is not always easy, yet something very important. Although degree names are essentially the same in every university, each one has a different educational project, distinct level of expertise and diverse contact with the key operators in the sector. In this open day, you will be able to know our academic project and get a hint about our facilities. With this purpose, faculty and students will welcome you and afterwards they will guide you through the School, in a tour which includes classrooms, laboratories, simulation rooms, etc. During the tour, you will have the chance to clarify first-hand all your doubts about our degrees, university admission, etc.
As in previous years, students' associations take part in the organisation along with the staff. Students are located in different areas not only to answer your questions and solve your doubts, but also to leverage your stay showing the activities they carry on.
Next Open Day: 21st April 2018 at 10:00 a.m. Conference Hall Juan de la Cierva