ETSIAEEstudiantesMovilidad de EstudiantesIncoming Students/Estudiantes Entrantes

Estudiantes entrantes/Incoming Students

Información general/General Information


Procedimiento de solicitud/Application procedures


Fechas límite/Deadlines

        Full term and Fall semester: until June 1st  -  Spring semester:  until  December 1st.


Planes de Estudios/Course Catalog


Idioma español/Spanish Language

Incoming students should have a level B1 in Spanish proficiency. Students should prove their language proficiency with an official certificate (i.e. DELE), the results of the online assessment offered by the Online Linguistic Support (OLS) or alternative qualifications (i.e. certificate issued by the home University, language centers, etc.).  Note that UPM offers intensive and general Spanish language courses (UPM- Spanish Language courses).